Friday, September 5, 2014


                Yesterday, a sudden amazing idea came to me. Well, a dream of an idea anyway; like Inception. I now know what I want to do after graduation!

                Last summer, summer of 2013, I went on a three-week school trip to England (I plan on eventually writing a blog post about it). While there we visited many awesome places, usually sites having to do with either Shakespeare or C. S. Lewis. One place we visited was C. S. Lewis’ home, The Kilns. We were able to take a tour of the inside, but we were told that his home is not a museum. The C. S. Lewis Foundation wants it to remain as it originally was: a place for quiet studying and living. The people that took us on a tour there actually lived there. Not permanently; just for a couple years I believe. I guess it’s part of a program through Oxford University. Through this program, from what I know, two or three people get to stay at the Kilns for a year or two while they attend Oxford.

                This is what I want to do.

                In the past, really ever since I got back from the England trip, I have thought about the possibility of going back someday to live and/or work for a year or two. I loved it there. But I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this possibility before. I also have no idea why I randomly thought of it; though I’m pretty sure God put the idea in my head. The past couple weeks I’ve been having to answer people’s questions about my future with “I still have no idea what I’m doing after graduation.” I have also been praying for my future. Now suddenly, this idea pops into my head. I’d like to think it’s God’s idea, because it sort-of came out of nowhere. Also, I don’t think I would have randomly come up with an idea like that that would have made me so excited.

                So if this is where God is leading me, how do I know? I guess I’ll start looking into the logistics of how I could actually do this. If the door closes, and I can’t go any further, then I’ll know that this isn’t for me. But until then, I’m going to pursue this idea, because I’m super excited about it now. How cool would it be to say that I spend a year or two living at C. S. Lewis’ house in England?

                This got me thinking: if the program means I have to be enrolled at Oxford, then I guess I would have to go to school there, probably to get my master’s degree, and I would be totally okay with that option. Maybe I could take more classes on writing; maybe then I’ll get a job as a screenwriter or something; then maybe I can help write the screenplay for a future film in the Narnia film series! I know quite a lot about the Narnia film series (I may eventually post on this blog a paper I wrote on it for my C. S. Lewis class last semester; UPDATE, now I have!). Of course, now I’m just dreaming even more.

                The point is though, that now I finally have a dream, a goal, an idea of something I’d like to pursue, and I’m going to pursue it. If this is what God wants me to do, then he’ll open the doors for me, and provide a way, like how to pay for it and stuff like that.  I’m pretty excited to see what God has in store!

1 comment:

  1. jhdfsjfdsjfdskjsa......SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!!! Mike, that's so awesome!! Praise the Lord :)
