Friday, December 12, 2014

One Semester More

                I’ve done it. I’ve finally completed this school semester. It really wasn’t as difficult as others have been in the past, which is nice. But now I only have one left. I’m saddened by this fact, mainly because I’ll greatly miss all the friends I’ve made here, who have become like a second family to me. This semester I’ve done crazier things than previous semester, often with the rationale that I won’t be here much longer; which I just realized is an awesome metaphor for us on earth. Compared to eternity, we’re here for a very short amount of time; we might as well use our time to the best of our ability.

                I’m also looking forward to finishing up school here. That will be one more chapter of my life completed. The exciting part will be starting the next chapter, which I currently know nothing about. However, with this kind of story, I can’t just look up spoilers on the internet, which is either a good thing or a bad thing: probably a good thing.


                So since I finally have free time again, I can now write about what I’ve been doing the past few weeks, apart from schoolwork.

                Well, shortly after posting my blog post about heaven, Thanksgiving break arrived. I was already planning on not going home for Thanksgiving this year, mainly because plane tickets from Ohio to California and vice versa are crazy expensive if you get them too last minute. Also, the semester ended like two weeks afterwards so it would have almost not been worth it. So instead of going home, I went with Xander to his house. Xander is a friend in the unit whose house I’d been to a couple times before. Since I already knew his family, it was nice to spend Thanksgiving in a family setting I was already familiar with.

During break, I did hardly any homework, which was pretty nice. I didn’t have too much to work on anyway, because like I said, this semester was generally very kind to me. So over break I got to sleep in, hang out with people I knew, and watch a ton of movies. Movies we watched that I can remember off the top of my head include The Abyss, Tremors, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Edge of Tomorrow, Guardians of the Galaxy, Source Code, How to Train Your Dragon 2, and Interstellar. Thanksgiving break was only about five days I believe, and this is eight movies, so that’s at least one movie per day, which is excellent. I also played some more Minecraft (finally slaying the Enderdragon), played a bunch of board games, and started reading a book called The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, which I had never heard of before, but was told is excellent.

                I also played a lot of guitar, because I greatly enjoy playing my guitar when I have free time. And while there, I got to do something I’d never done before but always thought would be awesome. One room of the large basement of their house has been turned into a recording studio or sorts. It was in that room that I had the awesome opportunity to plug my guitar into a sound system, play around with the settings, and also sing into a microphone while playing guitar. I played around with several songs, then actually ended up recording one song, just to say that I did. I was greatly helped by Xander’s dad, who helped set everything up in the “recording studio.”

For those who are interested, I recorded a song by Ed Sheeran from the soundtrack for “The Fault in Our Stars,” entitled “All Of The Stars.” I mainly chose this song because I like it, and it’s generally easy to play (it doesn’t have any bar chords). In the recording, I performed all the singing and guitar, but Xander’s dad did all the mixing, recording, and editing. He also added a track in the background of him playing bass. If you so desire to listen to this recording, it can be found here; just know that I didn’t do any vocal warm-ups before singing and I also was recovering from a cold. I have also only been playing guitar since the beginning of the summer. Basically what I’m trying to say is, don’t expect this recording to be the greatest thing you’ve ever heard. I know that everyone is always their own worst critic, so I’m taking a big step in actually putting this recording online for other people to listen to. I plan on going back to Xander’s house for Easter break next semester, and Xander’s dad and I are already planning on recording something else; hopefully one of my more favorite songs, like something by Owl City.

The End of One Semester, the Beginnings of the Next

                I should mention by the way, that I was finally able to sign up for classes for next semester! It turns out that all I had to do was borrow a ridiculously large sum of money. I kind of think that God was testing my trust and patience with this, seeing how long registration could be pushed back in order to see how much I really trust God. I’d like to say that I trusted God the whole time, that in the end I always knew that things would turn out alright in the end, but there were a few times when I was beginning to think that I would not be coming back to school next semester, or maybe even at all.

                After getting back from Thanksgiving break, I had about two weeks to draw a graphic novel, complete a World Mythology paper, create a dictionary of Cedarville terms as my lexicography project for History of the English Language, and study for several exams. I finished the World Mythology fairly early, and I think I did decently on it. The dictionary was fun to make, but I completed most of it very last minute. I had a lot of fun finishing the graphic novel project for my Graphic Novel class. The other two students in my group wrote the majority of the story and I was the designated artist; basically I drew what they told me to draw. But as the artist, I had ultimate final say about what went in the novel. Therefore, I added visual cameos of Kim Possible, Indiana Jones, the Joker, Scar (from The Lion King), and our teacher. The story was set in a circus, which is why I was able to add such a variety of characters.

                Apart from finishing assignments, I also spent part of those weeks preparing for and participating in Campus Christmas. This is an annual event at Cedarville in which all the dorms on campus decorate their halls/units and people walk through them. Last year, our dorm’s theme was “Civil War in the North Pole.” This year our theme was #ImpeachClark2014 and #SupportClark2014. This was basically two competing campaigns about whether or not we should jokingly impeach the SGA (Student Government Association) Chaplain, who lives in our unit. One side was the impeach side, the other support, while in the middle section we had a riot going on, complete with someone wearing my Guy Fawkes mask “fighting” against someone with a riot shield. On the impeach side we had a section called “How the Clark Stole Christmas,” based on “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” and on the other side we had the story of how he saved Christmas. When I found out they were going to do a parody of this, I immediately volunteered to write the poems; which can be found here.

                Earlier this semester I applied for a spring break missions trip, and I just found out during Thanksgiving break, that I made it! The missions trip I’ll be a part of will be located out of Hawthorne Gospel Church in northern New Jersey, which is largely the reason I chose this trip. This is the church my dad basically grew up in, and it’s only about fifteen minutes from where I used to live. So, I guess my main reason for applying was so that I could visit that area again and have the possibility of visiting family and friends, and also seeing my old house again. But I also applied for the trip, because I’ve heard good feedback from people who have gone on these trips.

Almost Home

                As I’m writing these last paragraphs, I’m sitting in the unit lounge, it’s almost midnight, and my uncle and aunt will be coming to pick me up and drive me to the airport in about five hours. I’ve packed everything I need (hopefully) and now I’m just finishing this up so I can then go to bed (that is unless I choose to watch more Parks and Recreation first).

                I detest flying, and airports. I’ve had too many bad experiences with delayed flights and such in the past, and nearly every time I fly I get a headache. The only thing that will keep me going tomorrow is the knowledge that I will be home at the end of the day.

                To Mom, Dad, Rachel, Debra, and Joseph,

I should be arriving in Fresno tomorrow around 3:00. I miss all of you, and I can’t wait to see you again!

                I love you, and see you tomorrow!


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